Competition Competition Everywhere, Who is the Brightest Homeschooler in the Air !!!
Released on: July 25, 2008, 12:22 am
Press Release Author:
Industry: Education
Press Release Summary: 5 more days before the registration closes for the online competition started by, An online tutoring company which provides one to one tutoring to students of K to 12 in English, Math and Science
Press Release Body: In today\'s contemporary society competition has become a part of our everyday life and is not restricted just to perhaps job opportunities. In all the walks of life, ranging from a parking space to getting placed in a top college, we are faced with competition at each step. Reason, Adam Smith\'s invisible hand at work. The simple economics of demand exceeding the supply in both products and services has forced us to make competition an integral part of our lives. The question of whether it is good or bad would start another debate altogether which we are not concerned with right now, the fact is that good or bad competition is here to stay.
It therefore becomes necessary that we prepare our children early on to take up challenges and develop an instinct to put in their best in whatever they choose to do. is the best thing since sliced bread that has happened to homeschoolers. It is providing the homeschoolers an opportunity to compare themselves with their peers, in the privacy of their homes, without any fear of being ridiculed for their efforts. 24HoursTutor is an online tutoring organization which provides quality education at affordable prices to all, anytime and anywhere It strongly believes that no two students are alike and hence their tutoring sessions are exclusive one-to-one sessions conducted in voice enabled virtual classrooms conducted according to the learning capacity of the individual student. It is 24HoursTutor\'s desire to be able to provide an equal educational opportunity to one and all to excel academically.
The homeschooler will be tested in English, Math and Science for 90 minutes. Each participant will receive a detailed report, analysis of their attempt as well as an assured surprise gift. The winner of each group is entitled to receive the grand prize of an I-Pod Nano!!! The competition is scheduled to take place on 2nd August\'08 and those who have registered can take part in it anytime during the entire day, sitting right at home!
Only 5 more days before registrations close, so don\'t let the grass grow under your feet, register today at
Web Site:
Contact Details: 20234 Cantoga Park, California, 818-206-8360,